A project of the Kühn Choir of Prague, which creates a unique platform for contemporary vocal music.

Supported by the EEA and Norway Grants 2014–2021 under the Culture Programme.

Video medallion for the PLATFORM FOR SINGING project

The Kühn Choir of Prague is successfully implementing its second “Norwegian” project, which contributes to the development of contemporary art. Since April 2021, the new project PLATFORM FOR SINGING has focused on stimulating and presenting contemporary choral art (with special emphasis on the juxtaposition of Czech and Norwegian works). Choral art is presented to the general public at concerts in various Czech cities.

PLATFORM FOR SINGING also implements a number of different activities that innovatively contribute to the professional growth of musicians. Interactive workshops benefit future conductors, choirmasters or composers, but also bring completely new experiences to singers.

As a part of the PLATFORM FOR SINGING project, a composition competition was organised, which resulted in dozens of newly written compositions for choir. The best of these are performed by the choir in concerts, broadcast on radio, and published in print.

In addition to encouraging the creation and performance of contemporary works, PLATFORM FOR SINGING also highlights the possibility of using singing as a tool for education. The project brings a new perspective on music and makes singing accessible to the most diverse target groups. PLATFORM FOR SINGING makes contemporary music and singing accessible to the general public, including minorities, who will benefit from the potential for communication created by singing together. The project includes a series of educational workshops aimed at special educators and children. The main topics of these workshops are singing together in a group, working with a choir, performing contemporary choral music, but also the health and social importance of singing. Minorities, especially Roma children, benefit significantly from this activity.

The project partner is the prestigious Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, which will be represented in the project by the leading Norwegian contemporary composer, Professor Emeritus of the Norwegian Academy of Music, Lasse Thoresen.